Shrimp Hatchery
In order to fully control the entire life cycle of the Shrimp production process, Acuamaya has developed and manages its own maturation and hatchery facilities for nauplii and post larvae (baby shrimp production) under our own Maya Larva Brand.
For more than 20 years now, together with one of the top teams in the whole industry, this hatchery has been one of Acuamaya's pillars of innovation, where the combination of several shrimp genetic lines along with specialized genetic management programs, have led to the development of some very successful shrimp family lines which have been instrumental in the development of not only Acuamaya's operations, but also the intensive aquaculture industry of Guatemala.
With a production capacity of over 3 billion PL's, today, this hatchery is considered one of the most advanced in the region!

Top Genetic Lines
and Programs

We have developed and manage top genetic programs with our shrimp family lines, (Maagenerating great results for our farms and the intensive aquaculture industry of Guatemala for over 20 years now.
Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (RAS)

We have implemented RAS Technology (Recirculating Aquaculture Systems) with advanced biofilters which have allowed us to use the same water with very little exchanges in 2 years
R&D / Continual Innovation

We believe in the importance of R&D and continue to invest in our programs and people to support the advance of Guatemala's aquaculture industry, today one of the most productive in the world.
Guatemala Shrimp

We are committed to supporting ongoing development of the sustainable aquaculture industry of Guatemala along with our international customers that have invested their trust in our genetic programs